Developer documentation

This is for advanced users who wish to build customized knockoff analysis pipelines. It is possible at 2 levels:

  1. Processing LD panels (see Customizing LD files)
    • Specifying which LD panel to use or use individual-level data
    • Defining quasi-independent regions and groups
    • Solving the knockoff (convex) optimization problem
    • Saving the result in a easy-to-read format, which will be read in step 2
  2. Ghost Knockoff sampling and high dimensional Lasso regression
    • Read pre-computed knockoff statistics from step 1
    • Sample Ghost Knockoffs
    • Fit a pseudo-lasso problem
    • Applying the knockoff filter

A full example using the Pan-UKB LD files is provided in 3 separate jupyter notebooks: part 0, part 1, and part 2. If you need assistance on any of these steps, feel free to reach out to us.

1. Processing downloaded LD panels

See Customizing LD files if you have individual level data and are willing to use in-sample LD.

Otherwise, large consortiums such as Pan-UKBB and gnomAD distributes LD panels for various population.

  • These pre-existing LD panels can be downloaded and imported by EasyLD.jl within Julia.
  • To partition the extremely large LD matrix into manageable pieces, we directly adopted the output of ldetect for which AFR (african), ASN (east Asians), and EUR (european) results are already available (position coordinates are given in HG19). For the EUR panel, the autosomes are partitioned into 1703 "quasi-independent" regions, see Figure S2 of this paper for summaries.
  • Knockoff optimization problem was carried out by Knockoffs.jl. In particular, we defined groups via average-linkage hierarchical clustering, chose group-key variants within each group via Algorithm A2 in the paper with threshold value $c=0.5$, and employed the maximum-entropy group-knockoff solver.

For details, please see section 5.1 and 5.2 of this paper. Note that the precomputed knockoff statistics includes everything up to this point.

2. Ghost Knockoff sampling and high dimensional Lasso regression

Over 1703 quasi-independent blocks, we have assembled

\[\begin{aligned} \Sigma = \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_1 & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & \Sigma_{1703} \end{bmatrix}, \quad S = \begin{bmatrix} S_1 & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & S_{1703} \end{bmatrix}, \quad S_i = \begin{bmatrix} S_{i,1} & & \\ & \ddots & \\ & & S_{i,G_i} \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}\]

where $\Sigma_i$ are LD matrices obtained from the Pan-UKBB panel and $S_i$ is the group-block-diagonal matrices obtained by solving the knockoff optimization problem. Given a Z-score vector $z$, we can compute $r = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} z$, and ghostbasil will solve the following optimization problem with $\lambda \ge 0, p_i \ge 0$, and $0 \le \alpha \le 1$.

\[\begin{aligned} \min \frac{1}{2}\beta^t A \beta - \beta^tr + \lambda\sum_ip_i\left(\alpha|\beta_i| + \frac{1-\alpha}{2}\beta_i^2\right) \end{aligned}\]

In GhostKnockoffGWAS, we set $\alpha = 1$ (i.e. a Lasso problem) and $p_i = 1$ for all $i$. $A = \frac{1}{n}[X,\tilde{X}]'[X,\tilde{X}]$ and $\beta$ contains the effect size for both original variables and their knockoffs.

To solve this problem, we leverage the fact that Lasso's objective is seprable over the blocks: as long as we can find a lambda sequence to be used for all blocks, we can fit each block separately. Since the max lambda is only related to the marginal correlation between each feature and $y$, and the knockoffs are exchangeable to the original features, we can use the original genome-wide Z-scores to compute the lambda sequence.

Thus, for each block $i \in \{1,...,1703\}$, we will call ghostbasil(Bi, r) where

\[\begin{aligned} B_i &= \text{BlockGroupGhostMatrix}(C_i, S_i, m+1)\\ C_i &= \Sigma_i - S_i \end{aligned} \]

Note that, since we use representative variant approach, $S_i$ is generally a dense matrix. To input a dense matrix, we use Jame's function BlockGroupGhostMatrix with a single block.

\[\begin{aligned} B_i = \text{BlockGroupGhostMatrix}(C_i, S_i, m+1) = \begin{bmatrix} C_i+S_i & C_i & ... & C_i\\ C_i & C_i+S_i & ... & \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots\\ C_i & C_i & & C_i + S_i \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}\]

with the understanding that $B_i$ is the covariance matrix for $(Z, \tilde{Z}_1,...,\tilde{Z}_m)$

\[\begin{aligned} B_i = \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_i & \Sigma_i-S_i & ... & \Sigma_i-S_i\\ \Sigma_i-S_i & \Sigma_i & ... & \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots\\ \Sigma_i-S_i & \Sigma_i-S_i & & \Sigma_i \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} C_i+S_i & C_i & ... & C_i\\ C_i & C_i+S_i & ... & \\ \vdots & & \ddots & \vdots\\ C_i & C_i & & C_i + S_i \end{bmatrix} \end{aligned}\]

where $C_i = \Sigma_i - S_i$. In Julia, this functionality is supported via the Ghostbasil.jl package.

Compiling GhostKnockoffGWAS

I compiled this with julia v1.9.0 on Sherlock cluster, with gcc/7.3.0 loaded.

  1. Within julia, ]add libcxxwrap_julia_jll Note: as of Feb 2024, libcxxwrap_julia_jll must be v0.11.x
  2. Make sure GhostKnockoffGWAS is installed within Julia.
  3. dev the package via julia ]dev GhostKnockoffGWAS
  4. Compile using PackageCompiler.jl
using PackageCompiler, GhostKnockoffGWAS
src = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../..")
des = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../../app_linux_x86")
precompile_script = normpath(pathof(GhostKnockoffGWAS), "../precompile.jl")
@time create_app(src, des, 
    executables=["GhostKnockoffGWAS"=>"julia_main", "solveblock"=>"julia_solveblock"]

The last step takes >15 minutes.