Downloads page

Here is the main downloads page. New software and pre-processed knockoff data will be released here.


Operating Systemv0.2.2 (June 28th, 2024)
Linux 64-bitDownload

After unzipping, the executable will be located inside bin/GhostKnockoffGWAS. We recommend adding the folder containing the GhostKnockoffGWAS executable to PATH for easier access.

Pre-processed LD files

PopulationLinkNumber of SNPsDescription
EUR (Europeans)download (7.5GB)650826See Note 1
ASN (East Asians)TBD
AFR (Africans)TBD
AMR (Admixed Americans)TBD
  • Note 1: This file contain pre-processed LD files generated from the typed SNPs of the EUR cohort from the Pan-UKB panel. The quasi-independent regions were obtained by directly adapting the output of ldetect