Downloads page

Here is the main downloads page. New software and pre-processed knockoff data will be released here.


Operating Systemv0.2.3 (Nov 7th, 2024)
Linux 64-bitDownload

After unzipping, the executable will be located inside bin/GhostKnockoffGWAS. We recommend adding the folder containing the GhostKnockoffGWAS executable to PATH for easier access.

Pre-processed LD files

We welcome solveblock users to upload its output to the cloud and share the download link with us. After checking for its quality, we will include it in the following table.

PopulationLinkNumber of SNPsDescriptionCitation
EUR (Europeans)download (7.5GB)650826See Note 1paper
ASN (East Asians)TBD
AFR (Africans)TBD
AMR (Admixed Americans)TBD
  • Note 1: This file contain pre-processed LD files generated from the typed SNPs of the EUR cohort from the Pan-UKB panel. The quasi-independent regions were obtained by directly adapting the output of ldetect